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Local Community Links
Local Community Opportunities
We value our local community, realising its importance and all the opprtunities it provides for us. We also enjoy giving back.
We enjoy working closely with:
St Edmundsbury Cathedral through visits, singing events such as 'The Big Sing' and performances. In November 2024, Year 5 performed in Britten's 'Noye's Fludde' with a professional orchestra and opera singers.
St John's Church, Bury St Edmunds through regular services throughout the year, including Harvest celebrations, Nativity performances, Easter celebrations and by holding our Year Six Leaver's Service here too.
St Mary's Church, Bury St Edmunds through opportunities to visit and learn about important dates in the Church of England calendar.
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds through opportunities to collaborate on projects such as 'Shakespearience' and 'Tiny Plays, Big Ideas'. Year Six participated in both of these projects during the 2024-25 academic year. The whole school also enjoy visiting for a pantomime in the festive season.
King Edward VI School through opportunities to meet visitors, such as a delegation from China, and to work collaboratively on sports events and performances.
Abbeygate Sixth Form and XR Lab through opportunities such as the Skills Escalator Day. In January 2025, Years Three and Four were able to use green screen technology, VR headsets and robotics during a visit.
West Suffolk College through inviting us to watch their productions, such as 'Cinderella' in January 2025 as well as hosting Skills Escalator Days for our younger pupils, who got to meet members of the emergency services in October 2024.
Bury Sports Partnership through a range of sports competitions and events during the academic year. This includes multi-skills festivals for our younger pupils and SEND pupils as well as basketball, athletics and swimming competitions for our older pupils.
Abbeycroft Leisure Centre through our regular swimming lessons for Key Stage Two and use of the athletics facilities for our sports days.
Bury St Edmunds Library through trips beginning in EYFS and borrowing key resources.
Suffolk Philharmonic Orchestra through performances in school, showcasing a range of instruments, composers and skills.
Suffolk Music Hub through holding interactive assemblies demonstrating both acoustic and electrical instruments and offering music lessons to pupils on a weekly basis.
Liberty Lodge and St Peter's Care Home through visits during the festive season to sing carols and carry out seasonal crafts with the residents.
Abbey Gardens through visits, picnics, playtimes and events such as exploring biodiversity within the grounds.
Bury in Bloom through annual entries into the competition. In 2024, St Edmundsbury won two awards for their contributions.
The Vineyard Church Storehouse Foodbank through raising money and sharing donations for those less fortunate than ourselves.