Squirrels Class - Year 2
Staff in Squirrels Class
Learning Support Assistants
Mrs Lambert
Mrs Moon and Mrs Brien
Important information
Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please send your children to school in PE kit on those days.
Please make sure all of your child's uniform is named, we cannot return it to you if it is not named! Your child will need a named coat in school as the weather gets cooler and a named water bottle. Please make sure you have helped your child to remove their earrings on PE days.
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher 2024 2025 squirrels.pptx
Spring 2 Newsletter
spring 2 class newsletter squirrels pdf.pdf
Time Table
squirrel timetable 2024 pdf.pdf
NSPCC Number Day
Squirrels had a great day playing number games like Dominoes and UNO! They loved making board games to play with the parents when they come to our Maths Cafe after half term.
Design and Technology- Smoothies
Squirrels learnt how to carefully slice fruits and to juice an orange. Then they tasted the fruits and decided on combinations to make in to a smoothie. The smoothies were delicious!
Rocket launching!
Squirrels have been learning about algorithms- a set of instructions. They then followed a set of instructions to make a rocket which they loved launching across the playground!