Home Learning
In the event that children or staff are not able to attend school, a 'home learning' approach may need to be used.
In Reception 'remote learning' will be driven using Tapestry or/and the Reception Class Pages on the school website. For Year 1 to Year 6, 'remote learning' is offered primarily through Microsoft Teams; where staff will provide resources, live or recorded lessons and feedback. With all platforms children are able to upload or complete learning tasks/activities so that staff can see what they have done.
For those children who find it difficult to engage with 'remote learning' on line - paper packs are made available.
Remote learning works at its best when there is a strong partnership between home and school.
Please see the documents below for further information on remote learning.
We are always pleased to support our families with any queries or challenges you may have. Please contact your child's teacher through the appropriate platform or the school office if you require any support.