Our Curriculum Intention
At St Edmundsbury Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School we aim to realise our Christian Vision 'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart...' through our curriculum.
The curriculum not only ensures coverage of the statutory academic curriculum, but also aims to support the development of the 'whole child'; focusing on aspects such as:
- character development;
- creating and maintaining positive relationships
- development of resilience
- encouraging respect for themselves, others and the world around them and
- acknowledging their personal responsibilities.
Within a Christian environment we strive to provide a curriculum that is rich in experience, excitement and challenge and one that prepares our children both for their next stage of learning and for their life in modern Britain. We aim to ensure that children recognise, accept and celebrate the diversity of cultures locally, nationally and internationally; setting the children on the pathway to becoming good global citizens who can make positive contributions to the world around them now and in the future.
How we achieve our curriculum intentions (Implementation)
Children in the early Years' Classes (Reception) follow the Early Years' Foundation Stage Framework, consisting of 7 areas of learning: Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; Expressive Arts and Design.
We use the National Curriculum programmes of study, set by the Government and updated in 2014, as the basis of our planning for children from Year 1 through to Year 6. The National Curriculum combines both 'Core' and 'Foundation' subjects.
Core Subjects: English; Mathematics; Science.
Foundation Subjects: Art and design; Computing; Design and technology; Geography; History; Languages; Music; Physical Education.
For Religious Education (RE) we follow the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus for Teaching Religious Education, taking additional guidance from the Diocese of Ipswich and St Edmundsbury.
We also teach Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education to all children throughout the school.
Christian Values
To support the development of each child as a person, the school systematically focuses on values which we describe as 'Christian Values'.
Compassion Forgiveness Friendship Perseverance Respect Thankfulness
These are delivered through our daily collective worship and frequently referred to and developed within the school and beyond. The values are therefore weaved throughout the curriculum.
More information about any aspects of the school's curriculum can be gained from the Head of School or/and Subject Leaders. Please make an appointment at the school office if you require any clarification about areas of the curriculum.