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St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy

PE and Sports Premium

Sports and PE



At St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy, we are committed to ensuring that children receive high-quality PE lessons and are able to engage in a range of extra-curricular activities throughout the week through Premier sports coaches clubs. We aim for each child to be physically active for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

Our intent for all pupils is to teach a high quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide the opportunity for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness.

Opportunties for all pupils to compete in sport and other activities, help build character and resilience, as well as help embed some of our values / learning behaviours such as perseverance and respect.

Our PE lessons are delivered by class teachers as well as a range of specialist coaches across the year. Year 1, 2 and 3 have had a dance coach teach some PE sessions this year and a cricket coach from Suffolk Cricket is delivering cricket sessions to Years 1 to 6.

We are an active part of the former Bury School Sports Partnership and work closely with our area School Games Orgainser (SGO) – Ben Moyle. 

We aim to give children access to a wide range of sporting opportunities through out the year and a number of intra and inter competitions as part of the school games organisation.


In last year's Year 6 class (2023/24) 34% achieved the National Curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. They achieved this last academic year (2022/23) when they were in Year 5. This academic year, our swimming programme begins in April 2025.

School Sports Premium

As part of the 2012 London Olympics legacy the Government pledged to improve participation in sporting activities across the country. Part of this legacy has seen additional money allocated to schools each financial year since 2013 as 'Sport Premium'. 

This enables primary schools to improve their provision of sport and PE. 

This funding is ring-fenced and can only be spent on improving the quality of PE and sport for all. The aim is to:

  • Hire specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches.
  • Improve professional development of primary teachers.
  • Increasing sports clubs.
  • Participate in sports competition

Please see the below documents which go into more detail of how we have spent and intend to spend our funding. 

PE and sport premium for primary schools - GOV.UK



st edmundsbury pe action plan 2025 .pdf