Art and Design and Technology
Art and Design Curriculum Intent
In Art and Design, children learn about visual and tactile expression and communication. They should be taught about:
- Expressing ideas, emotions, observations and experiences in images
- Developing creativity and imagination
- Using colour, form, texture and patterns
- Using materials and processes
- Understanding, appreciating, respecting and enjoying other people’s visual expressions
- The work of artists, craftspeople and designers from different cultures, including those represented in the host country
- Functions of the visual arts in people’s lives now and in the past
The Knowledge, Skills and Understanding which children gain through their study of Art can be regarded in terms of:
- Enquiry
- Designing
- Making
- Techniques
- Materials
- Interpretation
- Evaluation
- Communication
Art and Design Progression Overview
Art and Design National Curriculum Statement
Design Technology
In Design and Technology, children learn about designing and making products to solve problems and meet needs. They should be taught about:
- Designing, producing and using products
- Techniques of production
- The use of a range of materials and components
- The diversity of technological products
- How to think about design and production
- Identifying and responding to needs, wants and opportunities
- How to evaluate materials, processes and products
- The effects of technology on people’s lives
The Knowledge, Skills and Understanding which children gain through their study of Technology can be regarded in terms of:
- Enquiry
- Design
- Production
- Materials and components
- Evaluation
Design and Technology Progression Overview
Design and Technology National Curriculum Statement
Art Displays