Elveden Schools Trust
On 1st September 2024, St Edmundsbury C of E Primary became an academy. Part of becoming an academy was joining with the Elveden Schools Trust.
The Elveden Trust Vision sits well with our own Values and Vision. It has led to greater partner working and a wealth of opportunities for pupils and staff. It has given St Edmundsbury both strength and support to improve.
Elveden Schools Trust Vision
Together, our schools provide a high quality, inclusive and transformational education for all, effectively enabling every pupil to realise their full potential, as they delight in their learning and grow in confidence and self-awareness.
We give high importance to the following core values:
Strength – by working together with trust and mutual support
Openness – to one another in a community of welcome and respect
Inclusion – valuing every individual in all their diversity
Integrity – through transparency, honesty and a high moral code
Opportunity – offering a wide range of options to all pupils and staff
Please click on the link below to access the Trust Website: